Our Story
Data Center
Our Model
Our community engagement model prioritizes young people, their families, and the community above all else.
We serve as a trusted partner to families and communities, bringing them high quality STEM programming and helping them navigate the STEM ecosystem.
In doing so, we shift the way students approach and engage with STEM, and we shift the way that STEM institutions engage with students.

What Makes Us Different
Through our model, we increase STEM literacy, exposure, engagement, and access to opportunities for all
Hands-On Activities
model with their own hands and understand the science behind it, that’s when the inspiration takes root.
Connecting STEM Partners to the Community
Early & Expansive STEM Engagement
Intergenerational Learning
Cultural Relevance
participants, STEM comes to life through their everyday lives.
Universal Access
Scaling Through Existing Networks
Moving forward, we plan to scale by building partnerships existing corporate and volunteer networks that operate in multiple sites, to strengthen what already exists, leverage existing coordination practices, and build strong relationships with organizations that share our dedication to the work.
There are three potential partners for the network scaling model:
Building Local Capacity: Funding & Operational Models
Initially, we help sites launch in new cities by leveraging large funders and our centralized onboarding team.
Over time, these sites will build up a sustainable local base of capacity and funding infrastructure, often accessing
previously untapped resources that help strengthen the entire STEM ecosystem of the city.

Who We Impact
Kids & Families
- We center kids & families in our programming, while also providing benefits to the partners who help bring our programming to life.
STEM Employers
- Opportunity to support community
- Brand enhancement
- Corporate Social Responsibility in action
- Long-term workforce development
- Connection to STEM college interns
- Connection to K12 STEM students
Professional Volunteers
- Connection to other STEM professionals
- Opportunities to give back and engage civically
- Connection with community
- Engagement with other children and families
- Experience of joy and hope
College Interns & Volunteers
- Exposure to community
- Training
- Mentoring & real word experience
- Civic engagement
- Connection to employers
- Paid internship experience in STEM
Types of Learning
Formal Learning
Teacher-led instruction in schools and institutions, typically sequential and focused on certification & degrees
Our Direct Programming:
- Versioning & Delivering Our Curriculum & Kits in Schools
Our Catalyzed Impact:
- Providing Young People the Exposure to Select Into Educational Pathways
Non-Formal Learning
Non-sequential teacher or guide-led learning spanning a variety of educational methods, typically focused on learner participation
Our Core Programming:
- STEM Saturdays
- STEM Fests
- STEM Nights
- STEM Camps
Our Catalyzed Impact:
- Connecting Young People to other Non-Formal Learning Opportunities in the Community
Informal Learning
Unstructured and spontaneous, learner-led exploration occurring in daily life and a variety of environments
Our Direct Programming:
- Creating At-Home STEM Kits for Self-Directed Learning
Our Catalyzed Impact:
- Sparking within Young People a Passion for Self-Directed Learning